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COFCO is on Fortune 500 List for 19 Years in a Row Release Time : 2012-07-17

According to the Fortune 500 list published on July 9, 2012, COFCO Corporation ranks the 393rd. It is the 19th consecutive year that COFCO Corporation is on the list. It is the only grain, oil and food manufacturer of China being on the list.

There are a total of 79 Chinese companies on the list, including Taiwan companies. The number has been increasing for the 9th consecutive year, exceeding Japan which has 68 companies on the list and only following US which has 132 companies.

The top three are still the same but in a different rank. The first is Royal Dutch Shell, the second is Exxon Mobil and the third is Wal-Mart. Noticeable is that China National Petroleum Corporation is the fifth, China Petrochemical Corporation is the sixth and State Grid Corporation of China is the seventh.

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