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COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute Received 2015 Global IOU MAKE Award Release Time : 2015-12-21

In December 2015, COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute received Global Independent Operating Unit (IOU) MAKE award.

After receiving 2015 China MAKE award and 2015 Asia MAKE award, COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute achieved a “triple jump” by winning the international knowledge management award. It is the only enterprise from Chinese Mainland to receive Global MAKE award in 2015. Up to now, it has been the second enterprise from Chinese Mainland to have received this award.

Inaugurated in 1998, the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) award is compared to the “Oscar” of the knowledge management field and recognized as the international benchmark for best practice in knowledge management. After more than a decade of research and persistence, MAKE has gradually become a generally-acknowledged international knowledge management award in the knowledge management field by screening organizations across the world for creating value for shareholders through the good use of enterprises’ patent or latent knowledge as well as intellectual capital. At present, the MAKE program consists of national MAKE awards (such as China MAKE and India MAKE), regional MAKE awards (such as Asia MAKE, Europe MAKE, and North America MAKE) and global MAKE award.

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